... @Retention(value=SOURCE) public @interface SuppressWarnings. Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated ... AS3 Sorcerer 6.20 Crack


... @Retention(value=SOURCE) public @interface SuppressWarnings. Indicates that the named compiler warnings should be suppressed in the annotated ... 3d2ef5c2b0 AS3 Sorcerer 6.20 Crack

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SuppressWarning annotation. @SuppressWarning("unused") public void foo() { String s; }. Without the annotation, the compiler would complain that the local .... SuppressWarnings doesn't have any public repositories yet. 0 contributions in the last year. Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Sun Mon Tue .... Caros, quando é realmente necessário usar @SuppressWarnings??? Isso cheira a gambiarra!!! grato, Joel Lobo.. Defines the SuppressWarnings annotation. This annotation type is Documented . The retention policy is #SOURCE . The possible targets are: #TYPE; #FIELD; # ... RAR Password Unlocker v3-0 Portable Crack

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